Namasté great soul!
We warmly welcome you to the First European Online Retreat of the Nayaswami Order, which will be Online with activities beginning Friday, 18 November 2022.
Here is the program for the weekend with the links. Every meeting use the same link and password.
First European Online Retreat of the Nayaswami Order
Your program
Friday, 18 November
17:30 – 19:00 Long meditation already recharged
19:00 – 19:30 Prayers for the world
20:30 Orientation and moment of inspiration
Saturday, 19 November
6:30-8:45 am Long meditation already recharged
11:00-13:30 am Lesson with Uma
16:00-17:30 Order of Renunciates Ceremony with Kirtani and Anand
18:00-19:30 Long meditation already recharged
Sunday, 20 November
6:30-8:45 am Long meditation already recharged
10:00 am Lesson with Uma
Your Ananda family