Date: 17 – 19 Nov, 2023
Price: 50€
Teacher: Clarita, Uma

An opportunity to deepen the true meaning of inner renunciation

This Second European Renunciate Retreat is open to all those have already taken a vow of the monastic order of renunciate or aspire to do so.


“Each person is a pilgrim in this world … 
His is a sacred destination, always vaguely suspected , 
but almost never consciously perceived. 
Whether they do it by their own choice or by blind instinct, 
directly or indirectly, all men are actually seeking happiness, 
an infinite, eternal, divine happiness.”

– Swami Kriyananda The New Path

The spiritual quest in the modern age is no longer limited to those who wish to embrace the traditional monastic life. Millions of people around the world, in every life situation, are feeling the call to dedicate themselves to the search for God.

Swami Kriyananda, inwardly guided by his Master, Parahamsa Yogananda on Nov. 20, 2009 founded the a new monastic order called the Order of Renunciates for the New Age, which is for all those who feel they want to follow the inner path of renunciation, understood not as the deprivation of anything, but as embracing those behaviors that lead to true freedom, the bliss of the soul.

This order is open to all who feel such an inner call, whether single, married, divorced or widowed, parents or grandparents, disciples of Yogananda or not.

During this weekend, we will explore the concept of inner renunciation, receive helpful guidance and practices for moving beyond selfish desires and attachments and experience an expansion of our consciousness.

The weekend will include special renunciate meditations, deepening and inspirational classes. In addition, an ONLINE initiation ceremony will provide an opportunity for those who are already members to renew their vows or commit on a deeper level.

Those who intend to participate are strongly advised, if they have not already done so, to read the book A Renunciate Order for the New Age, by Swami Kriyananda.

Price: 50€


Nayaswami Uma Macfarlane, a long-time Ananda member, lived for many years in Ananda Village in California as Swami Kriyananda's secretary. She is now a Kriyacharya, counselor and teacher of Raja Yoga, on which she teaches courses here at Ananda Assisi.

A student and teacher of yogic philosophy and spiritual science for 40 years, Uma has taught in Ananda communities in the United States, India and many European countries. Born in England, she brings a touch of acumen and a pleasant charm to her content-rich classes, the fruit of her long experience. To this day she teaches at the center in Assisi, Italy.
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Nayaswami Clarita Poselli was born in Buenos Aires, grew up in Rome and has lived at Ananda since 1996. In addition to teaching meditation and the application of spirituality in various areas of daily life, she is devoting herself increasingly to various aspects of self-healing with Yogananda's techniques, including Kriya Yoga, and through psychological and spiritual analysis of the Chakras.

She edits the publications of teaching materials for Ananda Editions Sangha (a branch of Ananda Editions). She has written and illustrated Tales of Joy, inspired by the principles of Educating for Life.
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